Communication is Crucial

After going through all the training and school to become a nurse, having your license revoked by the Texas Board of Nursing (TBON) can simply be devastating. Without communication, cases can easily get blown out of proportion- and you are much less likely to keep your license if you ignore an investigation letter.

Communication in the workplace

It starts in the workplace- if you make a mistake, tell someone about it. Hiding mistakes will make the situation worse. If you have made a mistake, notify a supervisor as soon as possible so it can be remedied. If you do not understand instructions on how to handle a patient, always ask for help. Asking for help is much better than risking the wellbeing of a patient at your healthcare facility. If a patient could be harmed and they make a complaint to the TBON, investigations can arise. Prevent it from the start and make sure you understand tasks, and communicate any errors.

Communication around patients

When working around patients, you have to maintain professionalism and courtesy, although there may be patients that are harder to deal with, you have to hide your frustration and put the care of your patient first. We understand the stress of the profession, but your patients must come first. If you show your frustration, it could result in a complaint- and although we all make mistakes, the TBON will hold you accountable.

Communication goes both ways- it is important to listen at all times. Whether it is your supervisors, a coworker or a patient, keep your ears open so you don’t miss any vital information about a patient’s status. It is important to understand your patient’s situation, and be able to easily report and document information your patient communicates to you. Keep a listening ear and help avoid misunderstandings.

communication is cruscial

Coping Mechanisms for Stress

Finding coping mechanisms for the stress of the occupation is important. Being a nurse isn’t easy, so it is important to find hobbies and activities outside of work to relieve your stress. Find something such as golfing, running, fishing, woodworking, photography or any other activity that relieves stress. Unhealthy habits such as drinking to excess or drug use will cause problems. Arrests such as DWI, possession and public intoxication may result in TBON investigations. Also remember marijuana is still not legal in Texas, and it will show up on drug tests.  Find healthy ways to deal with your stress and save yourself the trouble of getting in trouble.

Nursing License Renewals

If you have a renewal coming up and you know you have an arrest, communicate with a TBON lawyer immediately. They know the legal system of nursing inside out like you know the nursing system inside and out. Don’t leave anything out when talking to your attorney- they are your best chance of getting a renewal if you have had a concerning arrest, or if you are applying for reinstatement of your Texas Nursing License.

nursing mistakes

We understand mistakes

At Texas Nursing Lawyers, we understand that nurses make mistakes. If you have had your nursing license revoked by the TBON and are looking to apply for reinstatement, give us a call. We can guide you through the process and help get you back into the career you love.

See these pages for related information:

Board Investigations,

Quality of Care and Bedside Manner

Technology That Altered the Nursing Industry