Do Nurses Have to Report Arrests?

Any arrest for a nurse is very serious. The most frequently asked questions nurses have after an arrest are “do I need to inform the Board or my employer?” The answers to these questions are unique to each individual. A nurse may have a contract or policy with his/her employer that requires disclosure. These contracts and policies are often hard to decipher. A lawyer can help. For most, the answer is you ‘might’ have to disclose the arrest. More research will need to be done.

What will TBON do about a nurse arrest?

As for the Board, a nurse need not inform the Board of the arrest until the nurse renews their license. Disclosures are very important and it’s crucial the nurse fully understands what needs to be shared with the Board. It is possible that the Board finds out about the arrest prior to renewal, but a nurse is not obligated to disclose the arrest until renewal.

Nurses must renew their licenses every other year during their birth month. If a nurse has been arrested it is a good practice to renew the license early. The Board is bombarded with renewals and if there is an arrest, might need more time to look into the incident. Waiting until the last week or days of your renewal month could lead to the license lapsing. This will create more problems. If you have been arrested, renew your license at least a month early!

Texas Nursing Lawyers can help

If you have any questions or concerns about an arrest, or applying/renewing your Texas nursing license after an arrest, seek help from a nursing lawyer. Whether you need a representation in the courtroom or the boardroom, Texas Nursing Lawyers can help. With decades of experience and nursing cases under their belts, Buck Johnson and Deborah Goodall have the experience to assist you. Call Texas Nursing Lawyers today and get the help you deserve.