Texas Board of Nursing (Tx BON / TBON) Lawyers

It seems that every occupation has different criteria that people need to follow in order to work in their chosen field. Many different occupations require testing in order to be certified or licensed. In most cases this is a very good thing because it provides for some consistency in knowledge amongst the people that enter the occupation. It is a good way to measure that the person has learned what they need to know to be in that line of work. In Texas the Texas Board of Nursing (Tx BON / TBON) is the licensing board for nurses in Texas.


In some occupations you need to be licensed by the state you are working in and for other occupations there is a general examination that is accepted in all the states. In nursing, not all states have similar laws when it comes to the board of nursing license.

 In Texas, once nurses graduate with their degree, they contact the board of nursing to take their examinations. Each nurse will be required to pass a criminal background check. There are a few steps to this process but once a nurse has passed the background check and other necessary steps, they will be authorized to sit for the exam. When a nurse has passed exam in Texas, they can begin working as a nurse. If you are a nursing student and you are concerned about the criminal background check, you may contact Texas Nursing Lawyers to learn more about the application process (link to application page) and how they may be able to help you.

Since different states have different rules, nurses relocating into to Texas need to meet a few criteria to have their nursing licensed endorsed in Texas by the Texas Board of Nursing. On the TBON website you can find their criteria. https://www.bon.texas.gov/licensure_endorsement.asp.html

If you were ever a licensed nurse in the state of Texas, Texas Board of Nursing (Tx BON / TBON) requires that you renew or reactive your nursing license. You can learn more here on their website: https://www.bon.texas.gov/licensure_renewal.asp.html. If you find you need assistance with your renewal or reinstatement, Texas Nursing Lawyers focuses on helping nurses continue the career they love. See Nursing License Reinstatement for more information on reinstatements and visit Nursing License Renewals for more information on renewal issues that can arise.  

Many nurses are relieved not to have to retake the board exam. They move into Texas and within a short time are able to get endorsed or reinstated and begin working in the nursing field.

Regardless of whether you are a first-time nurse seeking your license through the Texas Board of Nursing or a seasoned nurse looking to move to Texas and work through a nursing license endorsement or renewal, Tx BON Lawyers Buck Johnson and Deborah Goodall wish you the best of luck. If you find you need assistance, contact them to schedule a consultation.

You can reach Texas Nursing Lawyers, Buck Johnson and Deborah Goodall via our contact us form or by calling us at (214) 623-6015.