What is TBON, TxBON or Texas Board of Nursing?

If you are not a nurse you might be wondering and asking, “What is TBON?”. TBON is also known as TxBON or Texas Board of Nursing. This is the board that governs nursing licenses in the State of Texas.

Just like any other job which requires a professional license, nurses must obtain a professional license from the nursing board. In order to get their license nurses must go to nursing school and then apply to the TBON or TxBON (Texas Board of Nursing).

In the State of Texas, nurses must submit their application to the TBON before sitting for their nursing exams. The application process will include a background check. If a nursing student has been arrested prior to nursing school or during nursing school, TBON will require a declaratory order in order to sit for the exams.

Nursing Students

The Texas Board of Nursing will determine if a student is eligible to sit for their exam and be licensed. If you have ever been arrested, it is best to contact a TBON lawyer. A Texas Board of Nursing lawyer knows the application process and can assist you with how to proceed. The TBON attorney can help you with the application and/or a declaratory order. For more information on this see: nursing applications and our blog – Are you considering a job in nursing?

License Renewals

TxBon also oversees nursing license renewals. The renewal process requires an updated background check which can often be a problem for the nurse if there has been an arrest since their last renewal. To learn more about TBON and renewing your license, see our page Nursing License Renewals.

TBON Investigations

Investigation Letters are sent out by the Texas Board of Nursing when a complaint is filed against a nurse or an arrest is reported. These letters notify the nurse of a board investigation. The nurse should contact a TBON attorney immediately upon receiving a letter from TxBON.

If you lost your nursing license in a board investigation or if you left the state and wish to return to Texas, you will contact Texas Board of Nursing to get a Nursing License Reinstatement. We have more investigation information located here.

TBON Attorneys

In all of these situations, it is always helpful, to hire an attorney that is experienced with Texas Board of Nursing and knows what is needed to assist you in keeping your nursing license.

Texas Nursing Lawyers Buck Johnson and Deborah Goodall are experienced in representing nurses and available to assist you in dealing with the Texas Board of Nursing ( TBON / TxBON ).

You can reach Texas Nursing Lawyers, Buck Johnson and Deborah Goodall via our contact us form or by calling us at (214) 623-6015.

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